


The gaming landscape, now more than ever with the modern proliferation of indie games, has shown that great games can come in all sizes. There are low quality AAA games that cost millions of dollars to make, and there are fantastic games from one-man studios that were crowdfunded, and some not even that. Further, while all of us wish we had the kind of money in real life as we tend to end up with in our favorite video games, that’s not always the case. And even for those who do, there is no income limit where you are required to stop being careful with how you spend your money. So, why pay a lot for a bad experience when you can pay a little for a great one? For someone with a computer, there is a vast, wide sea of Steam games that are both high quality and wallet-friendly.…

Soundtracks significantly contribute to the immersive experiences indie games provide. This post highlights 10 indie games with exceptional scores, from Celeste’s emotional melodies to Hollow Knight’s haunting themes. Accompanying vinyl collections are available at iam8bit and Fangamer. These games exemplify indie titles’ ability to deliver soundscapes rivaling AAA productions.

You should play Mondealy if you have the chance to. That’s our review. If you want to know why we say that, read on, but ultimately, we’re going to tell you to play Mondealy. If you don’t like visual novels, that’s fine. If you don’t like pixel art, that’s fine. If you don’t like indie games, that’s fine. Go play it. That’s as high of an honor as a game can get from us and we’ll gladly hand it to this year’s best visual novel adventure game. Mondealy is a journey of friendship in a weird world that exists slightly below our own. The best way to describe is what happens in Undertale if the barrier went down but no one left and classism is at the top of the discussion list. Modern culture weaves through with love and affection as Michael journeys through a world that evokes both nostalgia…

If you’ve been around the video game block long enough you know that video games can be terrifying, the ways that developers push the bounds with horror games these day can be amazing, but the important word there is CAN. For every Bioshock there is a thousand garbage Five Nights at Freddie’s ripoffs that just throw a slightly creepy visual at you with some loud noise and quick movement and they expect you to be scared every time the same animation happens. Boring, boring, boring. Sure it catches you off guard the first couple of times but after that it just kinda wears you down and you miss the good ol’ days of Silent Hill 2 or Resident Evil, but every once in a while there comes a game that manages to do something special. This list is celebrating the games that can provide that creepy, eerie feeling that horror…