


House Flipper 2 really elevates the iconic formula that House Flipper brought about and renovates the game from top to bottom. The biggest change comes in the form of the graphics. Whereas House Flipper originally looked more like a source engine game (now compared to the new edition), House Flipper 2 looks like a slick modern title really taking a large shine to cleaning virtual homes and laying down virtual flooring. Those tasks get elevated as well with extra polish. Everything from painting to placing items is tighter and with more controls. The leveling system is easier and the upgrades dramatically change your overall gameplay. Compared to the original there is so much more content too. A lot of different house designs and way more in terms of features to renovate. Freedom is something that House Flipper 2 gives you when it comes to doing missions and flipping houses. Not…

This is a tier list to gearing up of sorts. We’ve got the best armor sets listed out and how to get each from starting (Moonward) to the current endgame gear set. If you’re looking to get max level fast, check out our leveling guide. Gear while you’re leveling up is based on what you get from the MSQs and duty drops. Max level is going to require roulettes and dungeons. Let’s dig into it! Gearing Up Fast The Moonward gear set (item level 570) is the easiest to obtain using Allagan Tomestones of Aphorism, earned through roulettes and level 90 dungeons. Moonward fills gear gaps while working towards higher item levels. Clearing normal Pandaemonium Asphodelos raids gives Unsung Relics to trade for Limbo gear (item level 580). Repeatedly clearing Zodiark Extreme earns Astral Totems to buy Eternal Dark accessories (item level 580). Clearing Hydaelyn Extreme earns Umbral Totems to…

The Main Scenario Quests (MSQs) are the core story quests in Final Fantasy XIV that guide you through the major plot points of the game. They unlock as you progress through the levels and expansions. As the game evolves and you can skip earlier content, the MSQs are still a critical part of the leveling adventure no matter what expansion you start with. The MSQs will be your primary source of experience points (XP) as you level up, especially for your first job. You’ll get tons of XP rewards from completing these quests, which makes leveling up smooth and straightforward. We have another leveling guide focused purely on the first 70 levels, whereas this guide is for anywhere in the game that you may be. My advice for new players is to focus solely on the MSQs when starting out. Don’t get distracted by side quests or other activities, just…