There is a single living Human in Murder Drones, known as Tessa Elliot. After episode seven, we’re given enough information to say definitely who Tessa Elliott is: they are the current host of Cyn, the improperly dissembled worker drone who mutated the Absolute Solver virus. They’re the main antagonist and villain of the series and have been manipulating the Murder Drones the entire time. Need to refresh on the series? Watch the full series here: MURDER DRONES – Episode 1: PILOT ( Tessa Elliot as a Human Tessa Elliot is never shown fully as a Human in the series. In “Heartbeat” and “Home”, Tessa is shown as only a dark silhouette with nothing else but her dress and bow to identify her by. Tessa lived at Elliott Manor where many of the worker drones had previously worked. She loved playing dress up with the worker drones (giving them hair and…
By David Piner