
Sludge Life


Sludge Life has 14 achievements. We’ll dig into the 14 achievements and give you some tips on some of the more trickier ones. You can find Sludge Life on Steam. First we have a spoiler free list of achievements and then we have a guide to the endings and some of the trickier achievements. Spoiler Free Achievements Augment the menu (Ghost’s computer) with the To-Do List app in Glug Tower to see them tracked. Sludge Life Achievement Guides (Spoilers) Here’s every achievement guide along with tips for some of the more difficult achievements. Spoilers ahead! Endings Good Ending Go to the Glug CEO’s room. You can glide into the balcony from Chemico 2 via the pink trampoline. The other is to go into Glug Tower and go all the way upstairs. Go into the office, press the button under the CEO’s desk, which opens a bookshelf. Bad Ending Go to…