


Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 is still some ways away. That being said, Ubisoft has already come forward with some interesting tidbits concerning the upcoming sequel. Following a civil war in Washington, D.C., the capitol city has been torn between those trying to survive and those looking to plunder and pillage their way through the streets. With that in mind, it’s up to the players to band together and reclaim Washington for the city’s lasting survivors. To keep things exciting, Ubisoft plans on dropping free, downloadable episodes of content over the following months of the game’s release. After reaching the max level of 30, it’s time to start collecting new and improved sets of weaponry and gear. As originally reported by Xbox, Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 will offer a story campaign of roughly 40 hours worth of gameplay. This is roughly double the amount of time many players spent…

In the beginning, if you wanted to play video games with someone, you had to do so sitting next to each other. As technology has evolved, so has multiplayer — not only can you now play with others online rather than in-person, playing online is now the multiplayer standard. PC games were the early adopters of online play due to the convenience of being on a system that inherently connects to the Internet by design. Consoles, however, had online play come at a slower pace. Many people were still playing splitscreen multiplayer on consoles when PC users were playing online. The turning point for online play on game consoles was Xbox Live on the original Xbox, most notably with Halo 2 becoming an online phenomenon. As times progressed, game consoles have caught up and are now fully online-enabled with streamlined services (including streaming), eliminating the need for in-person multiplayer. You don’t…

So you’ve already beat your favorite game a few times. You have tried others, but you keep finding yourself back in that familiar world on that old console. You know every inch of that map, know exactly how the story unfolds, all of the secrets, and yet you cannot get enough. Then one day out of nowhere, you hear the news – they are re-releasing that game! But what must the re-release have to encourage you to spend that hard-earned money? For me, there are a handful of games that I would buy the re-release no matter what. That’s how special a few of the games I have played are to me. Mainly Zelda games, I would re-purchase Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask until the end of time (same with A Link to the Past, but A Link Between Worlds was mostly a remake). However, a key thing with re-makes that I expect is obviously the graphics. Graphics enhancement…