


The Internet is ravenous for something to be conflicted about and right now it’s the Final Fantasy 7 remake. Why? Because it’s apparent that Square Enix is going in another direction with FF7. The recent trailer shows a different game than FF7, something that looks to be real time action based vs. turn based like the original. It also shows cutscenes from the original that diverse greatly from how they looked in the original. To put it simply, Final Fantasy VII: Remake won’t be a remastered version of FF7 but instead a remade one. Is this bad? I mean, look at StarCraft: Remastered. It’s like, an okay game right. The graphics are a bit easier on the eyes. It’s nice. Just sort of nice. Blizzard did a super careful job of keeping it the same game, just with prettier graphics and working out of the box in Windows 10. Nice…

Mobile phone gaming has come a long way, and whether you’re a casual gamer just looking to pass some time, or someone looking for a challenge during your lunch break, the iOS App Store has something to offer you. These games were not necessarily released in March of this year, but they are all currently available to download. You can click on the app icons to be redirected to the games’ App Store pages. Without further ado, here are our picks for the top ten iOS games from March 2019, in no particular order. 1. Trivia Crack 2 (Etermax, Free) The trivia sensation finally got a sequel late last year, and fans of the original should feel right at home. For those of you who haven’t played Trivia Crack, it works about how you would expect for a trivia game to work: players roll a category, they try to answer…

Baptiste has a lot to set him apart from the other support heroes of Overwatch, and with a high learning curve, he can be a bit difficult to pick up. If you struggle at first, don’t feel bad. Baptiste is new to everyone, and we’re all learning. With that said, let’s go over the latest hero’s abilities and quirks, and discuss what you can do to give yourself a competitive edge. Baptiste Hero Overview Baptiste is a support hero unlike any other. His main weapon, the Biotic Launcher, is a three-round burst hitscan rifle (primary fire) that doubles as a healing grenade launcher (alternate fire). His three-round burst is most effective at short to medium range, while his healing grenades can be lobbed quite a distance away to help teammates in need. Baptiste’s first ability is Regenerative Burst, which immediately begins healing himself and nearby allies over a short time.…

Overwatch has taken over the world of competitive shooters. With that in mind, we have a guide to make sure you always stay ahead of the pack. Overwatch was first released back in 2016. Crafted by none other than Blizzard Entertainment, the competitive online multiplayer shooter has garnered massive critical and financial success over the years. The hit title even has a vibrant and thriving professional league. Consequently, Overwatch players have been only growing and growing in both number and skill over the past three years. If you need some help staying on top in this competitive shooter, don’t fret. Check out this guide on how to properly use Junkrat, a top tier damage dealer, so that you stay on top in competitive. Overview Junkrat is one of many heroes available for play in Overwatch. Each character is parceled off to one of three categories, being damage, support or tank.…

Blizzard’s Heroes of the Storm is currently deep in its first season for 2019. For all you Deckard Cain players out there, here is a quick guide to keep you each in front of the pack this season. A billion dollar industry, MOBA games have taken over the gaming world. From SMITE to League of Legends, players have been banding together to dish it out in battle arenas for years. Blizzard Entertainment’s Heroes of the Storm is a prime example. Thriving with thousands and thousands of players, Heroes of the Storm offers a unique spin on the MOBA genre. Within the game, players can take control of some of the most memorable characters from Blizzard Entertainment’s several franchises. Heroes within the game hail from Overwatch, Diablo and several other franchises. One of the game’s most popular heroes at the moment is Deckard Cain. Native to the Diablo franchise, Deckard Cain…

Anthem’s constant downtime, glitches, errors and bugs showcase the issues that modern video game companies have. Leadership, a term that I will use to include investors, stakeholders and big decision makers are disconnected from reality and continue, year after year, to repeat the same errors like: Releasing a game early.Having a process in place to test a game to determine if it would be released early.Having the strength to say no, we will hold off releasing and fixing the bugs.Not listening to their staff when they say the game isn’t ready yet. Anthem’s terrible launch has dragged BioWare’s name through the mud day after day since the free open beta test where this behavior was so rampant that no one talked about being a cool Iron Man, they talked about how they got disconnected or couldn’t load or couldn’t see their menus or their game crashed to desktop or or…