


If at all you’re unfamiliar with the term “gameplay loop” basically have you ever played a game for a while and then just realized that after sinking hours and hours into this game that the game essentially boiled down to the same few minutes to an hour of gameplay repeated over and over again? Yea that’s the basic concept. We’ve all been through it, whether or not it is a deal breaker is up to you. Some would argue that every game is that at the most basic levels, those people would be half right but today let me focus on the single player games and at the more positive ones, the games that made us not think about it until we were already invested or until long after that. I’ll be completely honest and say what inspired me to write this is that I recently beat Crackdown 3, and…

The recent hype around Obsidian Entertainment’s new The Outer Worlds title has drawn an interesting point. AA developers can still lure the attention of the video game industry’s exponentially growing video game audience. It’s a good thing too, because we need those developers now more than ever. First off, before breaking down why we need smaller developers, let’s dig into why The Outer Worlds is getting so much attention right now. Obsidian Entertainment includes members of the development team involved in the original Fallout franchise. Video game titan Bethesda purchased the rights to the franchise before producing Fallout 3, Fallout Shelter, Fallout 4 and Fallout 76. Obsidian was later contracted to make Fallout: New Vegas, however. Bethesda has been receiving some heat from fans as of late. Many hardcore fallout fans were seemingly underwhelmed by Fallout 4 following the critical success of Fallout 3. Beyond that, the release of Fallout…