


Welcome to the Gaming Tier List ultimate tier list for SMITE 11.6. If you’re new to the game and looking what to play or trying to climb the ladder, our tier list is ready for you. We’ve consulted with SMITE pros and examined the data to give you the absolute most up to date list of the strongest Gods in the game. Here’s what we’re serving: We’ve got our GTL Tier where we list God by God the best to play for the season. We’re on top of the latest gods by lane for the season. We break down the absolute best God to play for each lane for conquest. Finally we’ve got descriptions and a change log for when Gods move up and down our GTL Tier List. Our guide is updated frequently as the meta evolves and patches release. We’ve got season / year 11 coverage below. Find…

What’s the best civilization to play in Civilization VI? We’ve got you with our tier list covering the full depth of what each S Tier civilization can do and why you’d want them along with our runner-up picks if you’re looking for more of a challenge. The civilizations in this tier list rank from the best for new players and overall, to the worst overall. If you’re looking for the best civ to play to play with your friends then any S Tier civilization below will serve you well. Anything above a B tier could be considered competitive. Try one of these civilizations the next time you’re going at PvP or even in PvE, they’re universally ranked best to worst. S Tier Australia You get bonus production in war cities, rough terrain early game units, coastal tiles and pastures and then massive economy improvements all together. You’ll be a powerhouse.…

I recently purchased this really fun Game Boy refurb called “Pastel Boy” from Vapor95 which is a reseller for Gamerchanger Mods. They took a case from MizuCat (which was limited to 50), some upgrades and voila: you get a new Game Boy. I haven’t received it yet but it got me hankering for more: I realized this wasn’t a Game Boy Color. This was, by all accounts, a wonderful decoration for my house and nifty toy but it wasn’t really useful. I needed something where I could bring my massive library that I have amassed of portable games around with me and the Zelda Game & Watch is really useful, but it only has Zelda. I don’t want just PSP either, I want GBA! Luckily that’s where retro handhelds come in. Steam Deck / ROG Ally These devices are now more aesthetic or price based – $150 or less to…

If you’re looking to play some of the more competitive online games on your phone or tablet you’re going to want to know what the best equipment is. In the below tier list we break things down into the best overall phone / tablets and then the best budget (inexpensive) phones and tablets for gaming. There’s a lot in the market in regards to budget phones so something you will want to avoid is a lot of phones that look too good to be true. Generally in the $50 to $100 category, these phones will do email and phone calls generally alright. Their speakerphones are often terrible and running games will be kind of hard unless they’re extremely simple (like Angry Birds simple). The Best Apple Gaming Phone This answer is right now and has been for the general history of the iPhone: the flagship iPhone. The current flagship is…

There’s a lot going on right now in the world of video cards, but one of the hard truths that we have to face as gamers is that the actual super truth is that we’re hitting a point where the fidelity of games isn’t utilizing the entire graphics card power and thus, we’re looking at suffering in the video card market for a myriad of reasons and how people game is entirely one of them. People are quick to say “supply shortages” and “silicon shortages” as the reason for video card stock shortages and to a degree, it’s the simple answer, but what if I told you GTX 680s being viable today is probably a lot more involved in why there isn’t a rush to solve a what is now over a year long shortage in video cards. The Bargain Bin’s the Reason The biggest reason behind the ongoing video…

Tier lists are some of the most shared content around in the FGC and most other competitive titles. It has gotten to the point that they’ve memeed their way into pretty much everything. Cereals? There are tier lists for that, cars? Brands of soft drinks, tier lists styles themselves? It all has a tier list waiting to be developed. Of course, the concept didn’t originate in the FGC. It comes from traditional sports, and even beyond that, it is a handy way to segment things into various categories, in the case of tier lists that are often the quality of each item more often than not. But an element that is discussed a lot whenever new tier lists pop up is not so much their validity but who they are intended for. Are they for Pro players? When competitive players release their tier lists, like it’s the case with Super…

When we consider the power of gaming one of the things we don’t consider often is its ability to be extremely inclusive and allow for a wide swath of people from the full spectrum of socioeconomic statuses to enter into a video gaming career. Due to the nonstandard approach and ease of entry into the streaming space and just playing, becoming a professional eSports player is “easier” than ever. “Easier” of course being in quotations because it’s not “easy” as in you can just start day one and begin as a professional eSports player. No, the “easy” part is the materials for getting started. The rest of it is up to the skills of a player. You, your child or your young adult may be interested in being an eSports professional. Wearing a jersey, being on stage in front of a large crowd (or viewers at home) and basking in…

Hi-Rez Studios, known for SMITE, released Paladins in 2018, a free-to-play shooter with a dedicated fanbase. The tier list ranks playable champions from S to D, with major changes in winter 2023. S-tier champions like Azaan and Khan excel, while D-tier champions like Skye are less effective.