We’ve put together ten things that new players should avoid in Zenless Zone Zero. As a gacha game, it can be easy to waste resources and put yourself in a position where you may want to just restart versus continuing on. The key reason being that you’re given an overwhelming amount of resources upfront and those resources should be saved later, which we’ll get into below.
Here’s the ten things new ZZZ players should avoid:
Consuming Polychrome
Polychrome shouldn’t be spent until you know the game and know what you want. The stable channel is an absolute no no to spend polychrome on. You’ll want to save this currency until you’re ready to commit it to something that you want. The only way to get polychrome after the initial surge is through daily activities, events and login rewards and it doesn’t come very quickly.
You can buy polychrome by purchasing monochrome film, but even then you’re not going to want to do this early on. A lot of characters you’ll unlock for free in the story as well, so with the number of free characters and low early game difficulty there is no advantage to spending polychrome early on.

Consuming Consumables
Likewise, the only thing that should be consumed in the early game is promoting agents, promoting equipment (w-engines) for the trials / events / quests and promoting a bangboo for the similar reason. You can save all of your resources for later in the game.
Do not buy w-engines early on and don’t focus on leveling them up more than you need. Later in the game when you have an idea of your ideal teams and have used your pulls, you’ll know what you’ll want to aquire.
Not Spending Energy Everyday
Energy is character growth and required for promotion items. The thing is that after level 20, you’ll need a lot to promote one agent. So you’re going to want to get the basic items and agent promotion items as your first priority along with components to level up w-engines, skills, etc.
So make sure to spend your energy every single day.
Ignoring Side Quests / Comissions
Side quests give really strong rewards (especially with basic items) and usually super easy. Most involve just talking to someone in town and walking somewhere else. Officer Mew Mew’s quests are super simple and you’ll accidentally do most.
Do everything that you can in town.
Touching W-Engines Early Game
Just don’t touch them outside of equipping them and leveling them up a bit. Late game you’ll get S rank engines that you’ll want to focus all your resources into. So the early game w-engines are more or less placeholders. For the first few chapters you can pretty much just level your agents and be fine. The game’s difficulty doesn’t ramp up for a long time.
Forgetting Daily Logins / Web Events / Events
Make sure to check the events, News & Info | Zenless Zone Zero Official Site (hoyoverse.com). Some are web login events, some are in-game login events, some have you watch a video, etc. These events change frequently and for ones where you need to login, you’ll want to get on that asap.
Not Leveling Agents
Agents that you don’t use can still offer rewards, like a premium pull every time you get them to level 20. Story characters also should be leveled because you’ll be playing with them. You’ll eventually be grinding to max level all of your characters, but in the early game getting everyone to 20 will suffice.
Forgetting the Store
Don’t forget to restock your store’s video tapes. This is a stream of income. Just align the tapes to the requests. You’ll get more tape variety later in the game.
Forgetting the Town
The town outside of the video store is full of side quests, especially between missions. You’ll need to get your Inter-Knot rank up, so make sure to do everything in the town. Daily you can get coffee and a scratch ticket, between battles there is the noodle shop and Officer Mew Mew’s quests / Bangboos that scatter about will grant great rewards. As you progress just keep checking the town.
Ignoring Combat Mechanics
Early in the game you can get by just mashing buttons, but if you learn the basics of combat then you’ll be at an advantage. Using agents that have the elemental advantage, changing agents rapidly and using their abilities is all very important as the game progresses and the difficulty will start to ramp up.
The first ten hours or more you can easily coast by, but pay attention to all the elements from stun (staggering) to gaining decibels (a Devil May Cry / Bayonetta / Viewtful Joe / etc. combat style calculator that when maxxed at 3000 allows you to use any agent’s ultimate). There is elements in the mix along with side effects like electric -> shock.
Using your heavy attack on a dazed enemy will trigger the Chain Attack, where a lot of your damage output will be from. Really focus on learning these basics early on and practicing, even if it means you just move through the content faster it will really pay off later on.
New ZZZ Players Reward Codes
Always check for reward codes as a bonus. https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption is where you can redeem them. The launch codes are:
ZZZ2024 / ZZZTVCM (no longer valid)