


One of the best names in the game for comfortable non-bespoke mass produced chairs is Steelcase and Herman Miller. When it comes to high quality “gaming” chairs, those same names actually come up as well; but their prices are cost prohibitive for most non-business consumers. More in the reasonable realm of $700 comes Secretlab with ultra high quality chairs that exceed the build quality of the local office big box store but come in well under the price of the top tier chairs. This review won’t argue the comfort of the chair; that’s a subjective opinion and one that I find difficult to argue against. A considerable number of streamers sit regularly in Secretlab chairs and lots of feedback from real consumers paint the chairs in a positive light. I can’t articulate such a subjective subject well and my personal experience is quite satisfactory when it comes to just overall…

John Wick Hex is less of a shooter and more of a strategy game. Consequently, you can easily find yourself defeated if you make too many wrong moves. When the strategy really counts, however, is during the game’s boss fights. There are three boss fights that stand out in particular. The Harbour Master, Omega and the final boss Hex can all seem daunting. That being said, they can be defeated. Check out these quick tips to taking down all three of the game’s most challenging villains. How to Defeat The Harbour Master Boss in John Wick Hex The Harbour Master is a tough challenge. But, you will have to wade through scores of henchmen before you can even face the tough boss. Your first concern will be two security guards and a martial artist. These henchmen will quickly charge you, forcing you to deal with them first. Once you make…