


So you’re converting to FFXIV from WoW and are ready to take on the world of Final Fantasy, the MMO, round two. A little back story, there was Final Fantasy XI (FFXI) which was another MMO that was pretty… interesting. It was, I would say, a game of patience and challenge loved by many, played by few. Then came FFXIV which followed on the coattails of the FFXIII for the PS3 which was a weird game because it was very linear compared to the open world Final Fantasy single player games of before. FFXIV when it originally launched was panned and then Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn was… born? I guess you could say. That’s the game we’re playing today and it was remade to be better than ever and is, for a tab-targeting game truly a AAA masterpiece in the genre now. After expansions iterating on the design,…

In a typical MMO, a dungeon would be known as a dungeon but in FFXIV they are known as a duty. The duty finder is basically the dungeon finder in FFXIV and the lifeblood of the game. Now, like any MMO with a dungeon finder, there isn’t always the best company to play with and you won’t always have a successful run of whatever you’re signing up for, but that’s okay and part of life. We’re going to go over the duty finder and some tips on how to make your duty runs more successful, because with just four player groups, one person can make a difference. For those coming over from WoW: Dungeon sizes are different in FFXIV. Dungeons are known as as a “Duty” in the game. Instanced gameplay comes through a lot of flavors. To continue the story, often a duty is required although these requirements change…

So you’ve just started the new expansion (WoW: Shadowlands) and everyone else has months of Renown and you’ve just hit max level. Maybe you’ve taken a break for awhile and your friends haven’t caught up with you yet. It was super frustrating for me too, at the start of the expansion because it felt like I had to do everything to catch my renown up each week and it was pretty fatiguing. Except the good news is that you don’t have to do every renown quest every week if you don’t want to and if you start later in the expansion, you’ll still be able to farm your way to everyone’s current level. It’s very simple: How to Catch Up To catch your renown up just do anything in the game that rewards you something. Covenant Callings, Battlegrounds, Dungeons, world bosses (once per week), various weekly quests, etc. Most of…

The year was circa 2002. Ragnarok Online was getting long in the tooth and I was invited into a mystical world that existed only until 2005, which was Dark Age of Camelot. The entire game itself was I would argue harder than Dark Souls. Soloing anything was next to near impossible and leveling required a group and lots of patience. FFXI, while not my cup of tea, was in many ways similar and players have similar opinions. The point of the game, the success, came from community. Building community with like minded players who wanted to sit and chat and play a video game together was your reward. It wasn’t power. It wasn’t fame. It wasn’t prize money. It was friendship, something we’ve long long lost in online gaming. To level, you would have to have a stereotypical archetype group of a tank, healer and DPS. The tank could only…

Retailers manipulate us and that’s just something that we’ve grown accustomed to. From the primary staples being located in strategic isles in the grocery store to force you to walk past tempting deals all the way to manufactured sales pricing where items perpetually stay at some percent off to give the expectation of a “deal.” Black Friday is no different and it’s a song and dance that retailers use to get us to buy things that we shouldn’t. Here’s an example. I use a projector in my bedroom to watch television because I love the aesthetic. I use a rather low quality projector to add in some “fuzziness” to movies and video and makes it more “old school.” I have a 4K OLED TV in my living room and switching between it and the projector makes me appreciate the TV more and watching kung-fu movies at 720p is just really…

One of the worst things for something like World of Warcraft: Classic is more servers. If we learned ANYTHING from the days of vanilla, it’s that more servers are not the answer. They’re just not. What happens is the population spreads heavily onto the servers available immediately at launch and then, as new servers come on, people just simply make alts to play the game waiting on the popular servers to cool down to join their friends already there. Since WoW: Classic won’t have cross realm (which didn’t come out until way past vanilla) or phasing or anything like that, there is a real need to keep each servers population high. Right now, there is a major tourist season happening. WoW players are logging in and people are resubscribing at the idea of playing something that by all intentions, most won’t stick with. Which could just be diresome down the…

Picking a profession can be hard in World of Warcraft: Classic because you lose any recipes you learn if you unlearn a profession meaning it’s more or less a permanent choice. You’ll want to start early as well with some of them, like the gathering professions, which compliment leveling while others you may want to wait on leveling at a later time. We’ve ranked the best professions for everyone, the best to make money with and then what we consider professions you may want to think about before you choose them below. While subjective, I disagree that class based professions is a thing. Just because you’re a warrior doesn’t mean you can’t pick herbs and make potions. Take what compliments your playstyle over what others tell you at the end of the day. A Tier – Best Professions for Everyone Alchemy: Flasks for raids are important and making them is…

World of Warcraft Vanilla took a tumultuous time in my life and united a variety of characters who provided a wonderful outlet and escape from reality in a time when that made sense. It also was a less miserable option, not a superior one. Raiding felt like a job and arranging your life to meet the raid times can be hard if you have anything else to do in the world. There wasn’t Netflix or easier entertainment options available like today and everything back then required a lot of money to do. It’s not 2005 or 2006 anymore and we don’t have to look at something like WoW: Classic as a chore or something we need to race to level 60 in to get the best raid guilds. Most WoW players back in the day were casuals, making up most of the players and is why the game evolved into…

Level 40 in vanilla WoW is known as being sort of the halfway point to level 60 and when you finally can get your mount. The mount costs a total of 100 gold, 80 for the mount and 20 for the training. You’ll need to buy the mount from your racial vendor, unless you’re exalted with that faction (i.e. Humans get horses, need exalted with Darnassus to get tigers, etc.). Best Advice: The first thing is start planning for your mount at level one. Don’t spend anything at all ever. Avoid the auction house except to offload items. There isn’t very much you can buy at lower levels that’s worth the money and other players will gleefully spend their gold. Don’t take a flight path every single time as well. Flights are expensive. If it’s not across the entire continent, just walk! Grinding: Grind while questing. Just farm enemies while…