


Choosing a class can be difficult and leads often to alts because the grind after level twenty becomes rather severe. First you’re going to have to deal with the fact that most classes just suck at solo grinding. Mages have to sit after one or two enemies and drink. Warlocks take awhile to get enough skills and health and gear to be able to pull non-stop and need the Voidwalker pet to really get going. Rogues are a dime a dozen and Warriors are powerhouses at level 60. So we’re going to go through the different classes and why you’d play them and the pitfalls of early game and late game. This guide assumes you know the basics of what the classes are and we are going to keep it brief to help you decide, but not make the decision for you. Truly you should play what you have the…

World of Warcraft Classic brings us back to an interesting time in WoW’s history, when not all classes were nearly as equal as they are today. To start with, for instance, respecing is very expensive and all gear goes towards one spec for most classes so a Protection Warrior would have full defense gear which wouldn’t work for an Arms Warrior. This list is broken into classes (with specs) to avoid, the best classes to play and the most fun which is a bit different than best. Since it takes so long to level a character, remember, it’s about what you have fun playing more than it is which one is the absolute best. This list also takes into consideration future patches and plans based on the entire vanilla WoW experience, instead of just at launch. Class Specializations to Avoid These classes are just absolutely awful and you should never…

MMOs were revolutionary when they first arrived on the gaming scene, and although they seem to have left the limelight, they are very much running strong. Unless you were already an active part of these communities, you would never know, but all of the games on this list receive regular updates, and most were updated within a week of the publishing of this very article even. So, here are our top picks for MMOs in 2019! 5. Star Wars: The Old Republic When Star Wars: The Old Republic came onto the scene it exploded in popularity and although the hype has died down a bit, there is still a very dedicated community and for good reason. SW: TOR is the most expansive Star Wars game to date, allowing you to live out every possible Star Wars fantasy you might have, wanna play as a Good Sith? Done. Wanna play as…

So you’ve bought Battle of Azeroth and you’re ready to play but now what? The game gives you a few breadcrumbs to start your amazing journey in Azeroth. First, via the airship tutorial that takes only a moment to finish and is skippable, which we will go into details below. Next, there are several things to do to get you on your way to 120 as soon as you’re let go and we will go over those as well. The Tutorial – How to Skip the WoW Character Boost Tutorial You shouldn’t skip it because it gives you a good rundown of the character, but if it’s a character class you know how to play then by all means skip away. The tutorial will have you use a specific number of skills a specific number of times and then immediately take you to the Battle of Azeroth fight. You can…

Take a moment out of your day to rewatch Pork and Beans. It’s such a good song to me because around 2009 / 2010 this was really rad and impressive. Today it’s sort of like, a time capsule of the era, where the Internet was still the wild west vs. what I feel is this dystopian future of toxicity across social media and memes popping up and dying within several claps of Pewdiepie’s hands. Just, wow, you’ve got Chocolate Rain, the Star Wars kid, numa numa and so much more. It was like the first YouTube Rewind before YouTube Rewind was a thing. It’s also a reminder that memes don’t age well. We’re always in our modern lives in a constant state of boredom and what solves that boredom today probably won’t in the future. Do you feel it has aged well? I feel both nostalgic because this was my…

A 353 page Google Document outlines a wild theory about Kingdom Heart’s III occurring in an alternate dream universe. While the 353 pages aren’t all text and it does have a lot of pictures, the theory is very through in going over how this happens, the exact point in the timeline it occurs and showing a myriad of Easter eggs to back up the plot. If you want to dive into the Google Doc you can or follow along with us as we go over a rough outline of the theory. Since the Kingdom Hearts III Ultimania spoilers are now out, I feel like this theory is going to be more or less debunked and we will actually start off with that below. Serious spoilers moving forward: The theory proposes that towards the end of KH3, when the entire party wipes to the Demon Tide and Sora goes to the…

Anthem’s constant downtime, glitches, errors and bugs showcase the issues that modern video game companies have. Leadership, a term that I will use to include investors, stakeholders and big decision makers are disconnected from reality and continue, year after year, to repeat the same errors like: Releasing a game early.Having a process in place to test a game to determine if it would be released early.Having the strength to say no, we will hold off releasing and fixing the bugs.Not listening to their staff when they say the game isn’t ready yet. Anthem’s terrible launch has dragged BioWare’s name through the mud day after day since the free open beta test where this behavior was so rampant that no one talked about being a cool Iron Man, they talked about how they got disconnected or couldn’t load or couldn’t see their menus or their game crashed to desktop or or…