
Yurika Corporation Takes Ownership of Gaming Tier List

Gaming Tier List, formally Game Truth, has been a resounding success when it comes to providing truthful and accurate information written by community members. In working to grow Gaming Tier List and get more of the amazing content out there, Yurika Corporation has been formed to take ownership of Gaming Tier List and work to create a multi-channel network of sites and communities that help elevate the community that supports us.

The only changes here at Gaming Tier List will be more support from the broader community of other sites that will be joining Yurika Corporation along with the Yurika Corporation Discord Server which we actively invite you to join us.

Additionally, we’re offering premium membership via Discord now as well if you’d like to support the site directly and drive the direction of our content. You can see details about that on our premium page.

We thank all of you who have been faithful readers of Game Truth & Gaming Tier List and hope to excite you in the future as we expand into more topics across other sites and continue to grow Gaming Tier List into a powerful site full of helpful guides and thoughtful thought leadership.

David Piner, an accomplished video game journalist since 2001, excels in developing comprehensive guides and engaging content to enrich the gaming experience. As the esteemed former Managing Editor at TTH (as David "Xerin" Piner) for over a decade, David established a strong reputation for his perceptive analysis, captivating content, and streamlined guides. Having led skilled teams of writers and editors, David has been instrumental in producing an extensive collection of articles, reviews, and guides tailored to both casual and hardcore gamers aiming to enhance their skills. Dedicated to player-centric content, David meticulously crafts guides and articles with the players' interests in mind. He is a proud member of OUT Georgia and fervently champions equity and equality across all spheres.