


Dragon Quest Builders 2, a voxel based builder and RPG, is a direct sequel to Dragon Quest II and a spiritual successor to Dragon Quest Builder. You play as a builder as an apprentice builder going around with Malroth (hard to spoil this since it lays it out at the start, the big baddie in the original games but in Human form). You explore this large and vast world, learning how to build more and more things and upgrading bases to produce supplies for you. Villagers will till the fields, sow the seeds, gather the crops and even cook the food for you. You’ll eventually be able to automate much of the base, including everything from its defense to its production. As you advance through the games you’ll unlock more and more recipes and in general, it’s a pretty good time. Let me start off with the positives: it’s cute…

The Cult of Star Citizen is the bellowing flame enclosed within the massive furnace that is the cult of personality around Chris Roberts. Although the furnace is made of paper mâché and false promises, it still bellows. The flames roar mightily across the Internet, defending the cult from nefarious non-believers, tithing their income to the venerable Chris Roberts and making videos of how great a very limited buggy tech demo is. If you went back twenty years and told me that this nonsense existed, back in the sweet innocent year of 1999 when the Internet was the proverbial paradise of ideas, collaboration and communication – I wouldn’t believe you and point you to Slashdot to read about how blogs are going to save society. See, back then the belief was around the idea that everyone online could report the news and that no longer would mega-corporations control the news. Now,…