


The most important parts of a PC build aren’t within the PC itself, but are the devices we use to interface with it and have some of the largest impact on performance. An old monitor with a low refresh rate won’t show the full performance of an RTX 2080 TI, while a mouse and keyboard are used across more than just games. That’s why it’s important to purchase high quality input devices and avoid some of the cheaper “sludge” I like to call it on Amazon. A mouse is something that I use a lot, from clicking links on the Internet to pressing the pew pew buttons. Mice for me have crossed generations, my trusty MX518 lasting through Windows 95, then Windows 98 and into the Windows 7 era. At which point I switched over to the Razer Naga. I’ve never had a reliable Razer product and often had to…

I can honestly sum this game up in a few quick sentences. Do you love Rick and Morty and don’t mind VR click to teleport mechanics? Then purchase this game – you’ll be happy that you did. It runs great, at least for me on my PC and it’s hilarious. I mean just outright hilarious and somehow, a silly game like this makes choices you make matter more than any other game. Biases: I love Rick and Mortyi5 8600k on a GTX 1080Oculus HMD (Retail)Oculus Touch / DualshockNo review copy supplied. Early on you’re tasked by someone to kill a few enemies who are harassing him. Once you’ve helped him, he grants you the power to double jump. If you go behind him and kill the enemies there, he will freak out and start crying. When you run into him later, he will still be upset with you. The joke…