


Astral Chain is harder to categorize than most games because while it is part RPG, part action game it is also part detective game, part collection game and part visual novel. These tips below will help you through the game itself, if you’re looking to pull off an S+ ranking then see our tips for earning an S+ ranking every time. You Can’t Collect Everything in the First Playthrough You can replay levels and this is important, because for file 02 for instance, you can’t get the kitty cat without a different legion. You’ll only have your sword legion and its special ability will be locked until a tutorial. It can be slightly frustrating sometimes because you want to collect everything but the game won’t let you. The major collectables are the red corruption and one bathroom and one kitty kat per level, in addition to all of the files.…

World of Warcraft Vanilla took a tumultuous time in my life and united a variety of characters who provided a wonderful outlet and escape from reality in a time when that made sense. It also was a less miserable option, not a superior one. Raiding felt like a job and arranging your life to meet the raid times can be hard if you have anything else to do in the world. There wasn’t Netflix or easier entertainment options available like today and everything back then required a lot of money to do. It’s not 2005 or 2006 anymore and we don’t have to look at something like WoW: Classic as a chore or something we need to race to level 60 in to get the best raid guilds. Most WoW players back in the day were casuals, making up most of the players and is why the game evolved into…

I had so much fun with DragonQuest Builders 2 but there is a few really interesting things to note of if you’re just starting or currently playing that can help make your play through easier. Check out our below hints and tips to get you through the game. This is mostly spoiler free. I’m going to mention tool unlocks, but I’m not going to talk about the story or what the specific zones have going on in them. General Game Tips You’ll unlock a bag very early in the game that has many tabs and can store lots of materials. Don’t be afraid to toss materials until you get the bag. After you get the bag, throw away extra materials often. For instance, when you unlock the ability to take out a lot of soil fast, soil will quickly start to stuff your bags full. Throw away extra that you’ll…

Beach Buggy Racing is sort of like most go-kart games like Mario Kart and well Mario Kart. You have a rather easy to drive vehicle with easy to navigate physics that barrels high speed around magical tracks and beautiful hazards. One of the cool things about Beach Buggy Racing 2 is that it’s also not a very big pay to win game. In this guide we’ve got a whole list of tips for you, a guide on how to win almost every time and then some tips for the power-ups. Beach Buggy 2 Tips How to Win Almost Every Time To win almost every single time you’ll need to first get off a successful power boost. Then you’ll want to hit bubbles with the power-ups in them as soon as they show-up in the map. Avoid obstacles that slow you down, try to power-slide into turns as much as possible…