


The World Next Door is about a girl named Jun who goes to a portal that connects Earth with this other world and then she gets stuck with her kawaii alien friends who work to return her home before she perishes, as Humans can not survive on this other world. I found the game lacked balance between the start and the ending. The game starts off with a lot of energy and story that reminds me a lot of Night in the Woods or Oxenfree. It then quickly begins to turn into a monster of the week like crawl through what short bites of story you get and finally lands in a room temperature bowl of chicken noodle soup, lacking any satisfactory closure to the many plot threads that exist. The action combat is puzzle based but I found avoiding damage to be tedious and cumbersome so I just turned…

A new month means new free games on offer if you’re a PlayStation Plus subscriber. Unfortunately, this news only applies to PS4 owners, as Sony recently stopped giving out free PS3 and Vita games as part of the PS Plus package. It’s an understandable move, but still a disappointing one as a fan of both systems. Nevertheless, here are the two PS4 games available for download starting April 2nd. The Surge From the creators of Lords of the Fallen comes The Surge, another Souls-like experience with a more unique setting, at least for the genre. Those who have played Lords will feel right at home, but developer Deck13 Interactive has implemented some new systems to help differentiate this game from its spiritual predecessor. Players are given a mech suit they can customize with various upgrades that will improve combat performance or defensive capabilities, for example. You’re also given the option…

Devil May Cry 5 just hit stores Friday, March 8. With that in mind, the highly popular hack and slash series is now flooding into stores and living rooms alike worldwide. Before you pick up Capcom’s latest video game gem, check out this guide so you don’t miss a single thing. Developed from the creative mind of Hideki Kamiya, the Devil May Cry (DMC) series dates all the way back to 2001. The game’s intense storyline features everything from battling demons to motorcycle swords. This is a series that puts an emphasis on fun, in all its great craziness. Over the past years, the Devil May Cry series has garnered a passionate fan base of loyal players. And, well, Devil May Cry 5 is certainly not straying far from that trend. Devil May Cry 5 has garnered positive critical reception, having already earned a Metacritic score of 87. While plenty…

Respawn Entertainment’s battle royal Apex Legends is taking the gaming community by storm. To many, it’s fun, fast paced and outrageously addictive. And, to the joy of players worldwide, it’s free. As Apex Legends gains global acclaim, players aim to enhance their combat skills. However, accumulating kill streaks and commanding victories rings hollow without a flair for style. This guide will detail how to employ the game’s captivating finishers to distinguish yourself from the rest. While you can simply clip your target with a few rounds, drop them by the wayside and then move along, there is a final step you can add to your winning display if you really want to show off your skills. Enter in the Apex Legends finisher. There are eight playable classes within the game. But, there are far more finishers than classes to ensure that you never get bored with showing off. However, you…