
David Piner


We’ve listed out the best weapons in Resident Evil: Village for you to use. We list the knife & handgun at the top, even if they’re the default weapons because the knife costs no ammo and the handgun has probably the most ammo available in the game. Guns are available via the shop and can be found in treasure locations throughout the game. Once you beat the game, depending on the difficulty, when you load back into your save you can buy a new assortment of weapons. We let you know what the best post-game weapon is for achievement hunting. New Game+ gives you the ability to buy a hype gun at the start, but by then you should have a strong feeling for the game. The biggest tip I can give you is to get the Wolfsbane as soon as its available. Most of the game is going to…

Limited Run Games is a publisher of limited runs of physical games. There are other outlets, like Strictly Limited, that do a similar thing but Limited Run Games is what I would consider the industry leader in this very interesting world of limited video game releases. Their popularity recently has continued to only soar as collectors attempt to collect a wide range of their products, from the games they love to those who just love to collect every release. To be completely candid, I recently was looking at MidBoss’s Japanese release of the 2064 collector’s edition and fell immediately in love with the artwork and everything about it. Obtaining the previous US release led me down a long and wild adventure into a niche market that’s exploding in popularity and has a lot of pieces to untangle. The Principles of False Scarcity & A Limited History of Collector’s Editions If…

Creeper World 4 is the latest installment in a long running series by Knuckle Cracker. It takes the traditionally “2D” top down fluid simulation and turns it into 3D which is actually pretty nice. I absolutely love the game and think it’s an improvement kind of over CW3, but that’s not what we are here for. We are here for tips! Let’s begin. Tips & Tricks Mini-Walkthrough Each of the main worlds is effectively a tutorial for the main units in the game. There’s a few additional units that you can use in custom maps (along with custom units themselves), but essentially each map is an introduction to a new tool. Each map also, surprisingly, plays out the same. One of the bigger tips is to consider the TERP more often as a great solution in stopping creeper or forcing it into choke points. While it’s slow to raise or…

So recently across social media you can find the following post from the official Riot and League of Legend’s accounts: Is it a new game? Is it new skins in the game? Does it have something to do with Wild Rift? Well the answer is actually quite simpler than it appears. #leagueoflegendsut is an upcoming clothing collab with a popular clothing brand and the image showcases a likely sample of one of the shirts. What Exactly Does LeagueofLegendsUT mean? Uniqlo is the clothing brand that they’re collaborating with. You can see their logo on the top left of the photo and the shirt is likely a K/D/A collab that’s coming soon with Uniqlo. Previous LoL collabs included fashion house Louis Vuitton. Therefore it’s no surprise that they’re collabing with another major clothing brand for their K/D/A brand. So then the question is what does the UT stand for? Well that’s…

DISGAEA RPG is an Android / iOS mobile game that let’s you play a basic RPG with characters from the DISGAEA franchise. It’s pretty awesome since you have all the main characters from all five main games plus all the side characters coming back with a lot of hilarious dialog and other cool bits. Anyway, we’ve got some answers for your common questions to explain core game concepts followed by the best 4* characters in the game. Latest Updates: Fenrich & Usalia added. Updated 9/24/21 Frequently Asked Questions What character is the best character to start with? So you get to reroll your first draw as much as you want and it’s a guaranteed 4*. You’re going to want to pick Desco. She’s the snake like character and boss character in DISGAEA 4 after all. She has an AOE attack that’s pretty boss early game, doesn’t use a ton of…

So when you first start DISGAEA RPG, you’re given the chance to pick a 4* character. Unlike other mobile games that require you to delete their data and restart and go through tutorial after tutorial to get your first roll, DISGAEA RPG does things differently. You’re given the chance to roll over and over until you get the character you want. DISGAEA RPG has shut down as of 2023. This article is now considered archived in order to remember the history of the game and for use should the mobile app return to active status in the future. What Character Is the Best Starting Character Desco. You can find out more details on our tier list. How to Reroll In the current US / Global release, it’s very simple. After you go through some of the starting story you’re basically given a free 4* and then the option to not…

Java Edition 1.17 added in raw metals into Minecraft. This is a major change to various versions, metal blocks would drop metal blocks, not raw ore. The Fortune and Silk Touch enchantments now work on the Iron, Copper and Gold blocks which drop ore now instead of the blocks themselves. This ore can be smelted with one fuel and one ore to make one ingot, just as you can with the blocks. That means with Fortune III you can get up to 4 (the average being 2.2) ores per metal block. Which is a nice change as it makes farming these materials a lot easier compared to before. So when you destroy an Iron, Copper or Gold block (or their deepslate variants) without Silk Touch, you’ll get something called “Raw Iron” or “Raw Copper” or “Raw Gold.” It works the same way as the blocks in crafting, but of course…

When we consider the power of gaming one of the things we don’t consider often is its ability to be extremely inclusive and allow for a wide swath of people from the full spectrum of socioeconomic statuses to enter into a video gaming career. Due to the nonstandard approach and ease of entry into the streaming space and just playing, becoming a professional eSports player is “easier” than ever. “Easier” of course being in quotations because it’s not “easy” as in you can just start day one and begin as a professional eSports player. No, the “easy” part is the materials for getting started. The rest of it is up to the skills of a player. You, your child or your young adult may be interested in being an eSports professional. Wearing a jersey, being on stage in front of a large crowd (or viewers at home) and basking in…

The SMITE Arena is the 5 v 5 single lane brawl, except unlike most ARAM modes you can pick any hero and build any team. It’s a ton of fun because it removes the jungle, multiple lanes and other mechanics and brings it down to an all out brawl of the gods in an arena with the only other mechanic being buffs. This guide will explain how the mode works and how you can play smart to pull ahead and win. Titan Forged Studios (Hi-Rez) have a good tutorial video that explains the basics (above) but we go a bit more in detail. Check out our SMITE Tier List to help pick the best gods to win. How The Game Mode Works So each side picks five heroes. The game will generally suggest a mix of tanks and magic/physical damage, but you can configure your team however you want. Once…

So you’ve just started the new expansion (WoW: Shadowlands) and everyone else has months of Renown and you’ve just hit max level. Maybe you’ve taken a break for awhile and your friends haven’t caught up with you yet. It was super frustrating for me too, at the start of the expansion because it felt like I had to do everything to catch my renown up each week and it was pretty fatiguing. Except the good news is that you don’t have to do every renown quest every week if you don’t want to and if you start later in the expansion, you’ll still be able to farm your way to everyone’s current level. It’s very simple: How to Catch Up To catch your renown up just do anything in the game that rewards you something. Covenant Callings, Battlegrounds, Dungeons, world bosses (once per week), various weekly quests, etc. Most of…