


Borderlands 3 is the sequel to Borderlands 2 and kicks off with a new vault hunter back on Pandora taking on an epic adventure throughout the galaxy. There is a lot of the same and a lot of new things in this rendition and our review is pretty simple. If you want an FPS loot game that’s sillier than Destiny 2 and/or an improved version of Borderlands 2 then this game is a must have. The looter shooter has impressive combat, great guns and fun characters to play with some interesting and challenging encounters throughout the world. If you want a detailed story FPS game then, I’m not sure I would recommend Borderlands 3. The story, while long and very in-depth, isn’t very good. The basic premise is that there are two people who have taken over the bandits on Pandora and formed a cult. You’re basically fighting against the…

Fortnite can surprise you with some really interesting community building mechanics. Here’s the lowdown on the season 11 transition: the last season and full “chapter” ended and the entire Fortnite map was destroyed with everyone falling into the black hole. The black hole has some numbers, which was solved and means “I was not alone. Others were outside the loop. This was not calculated. The nothing is inevitable.” When the servers come up, there will be a new map and a lot of fresh new content in the game. This is actually a really awesome event because it’s driving community growth. Pulling players together to work on the puzzle really builds outside the game community development. Even with the leak making the solution easier, it still brought folks together and was still a great idea. The downtime also allows players to resolve some fatigue in the game and get excited…

Blair Witch is a property unlike any other, as it boggles and horrifies in a way all its own. That being said, players have begun to navigate the many paths of the game’s winding story. As a result, three endings have been revealed. If you want to learn how to earn the good, bad and secret endings to Blair Witch without revealing any major spoilers, check out the information below. How to Get the Good Ending in Blair Witch In order to earn what many players consider to be the good ending to Blair Witch, you are going to have to follow a series of instructions that harken back to nearly the beginning of the game. Do not harm Bullet. During the final chapter, the ghost will eventually haunt you by writing something horrifying about your pet on a nearby wall. You will then receive a button prompt. Do not…

Stuck at the last boss of Supraland? Our Farting Meatbag Guide will give you some spoiler free steps and then walk you through what to do. Leading up to the FMB There is a section with two monsters you have to defeat to unlock the FMB. Once unlocked, you head through the pipe. If you have trouble, just have faith in yourself. Use your Force Cube to block them and just keep firing your gun. If you’re too weak, go back and puzzle out some earlier areas for more health and damage. Spoiler Free Tips The fight is a PUZZLE. You do not need to fire your red MacGuffin once. The farting meat bag expels green gas. What happens if you get near it.Remember you can float across metal.Something else can act as a supraball. It just needs to be yellow. The blue bars do not have to be removed.There…

The World Next Door is about a girl named Jun who goes to a portal that connects Earth with this other world and then she gets stuck with her kawaii alien friends who work to return her home before she perishes, as Humans can not survive on this other world. I found the game lacked balance between the start and the ending. The game starts off with a lot of energy and story that reminds me a lot of Night in the Woods or Oxenfree. It then quickly begins to turn into a monster of the week like crawl through what short bites of story you get and finally lands in a room temperature bowl of chicken noodle soup, lacking any satisfactory closure to the many plot threads that exist. The action combat is puzzle based but I found avoiding damage to be tedious and cumbersome so I just turned…

A 353 page Google Document outlines a wild theory about Kingdom Heart’s III occurring in an alternate dream universe. While the 353 pages aren’t all text and it does have a lot of pictures, the theory is very through in going over how this happens, the exact point in the timeline it occurs and showing a myriad of Easter eggs to back up the plot. If you want to dive into the Google Doc you can or follow along with us as we go over a rough outline of the theory. Since the Kingdom Hearts III Ultimania spoilers are now out, I feel like this theory is going to be more or less debunked and we will actually start off with that below. Serious spoilers moving forward: The theory proposes that towards the end of KH3, when the entire party wipes to the Demon Tide and Sora goes to the…