


Endless World is an idle game and it has a cool feature sort of like Tap Titans 2 and other idle games where you enter into a 2 day contest to see who can get the furthest the fastest. How do you win this Sprint? Well, it’s actually not 100% pay to win. There are some strategies that you can use to take you to the top. The first strategy is to babysit the game. Especially the further you get into the game. If you run out of inventory spaces, you can’t progress for instance. So you’ll need to clear your inventory. You’ll want to cash in encounters as soon as they’re done and run the gold dungeon if it’s up for instance. Outside of that, you’ll want the game open so you’re constantly advancing. The next strategy is to avoid buying your tombstone and instead buy items from the…

Image credit to gamewatcher.com The competitive multiplayer hack n’ slash Mordhau has cultivated a hardcore fan base since its release. With each passing day, more and more players take to their keyboards so that they can storm the medieval battlefields of Triternion’s latest game. That being said, new players will likely be met with an incredibly steep difficulty curve when they begin the game. Simply put, Mordhouse is tough. The complex combat techniques and tactics within the title each take hours upon hours to master. With that in mind, new players will likely find it difficult to traverse the Mordhouse battlefields without getting cut down by more experienced players. But, don’t worry. We’ve got your back. Here is a quick guide to mastering two of Mordhouse’s most useful and intricate combat techniques. For a guide to general tips and tricks on playing Mordhau, check out Mordhau 15 Tips and Tricks…

Summer Catchers is PC (Windows, Mac, Linux) game about an epic road trip through the forest starting in a wooden car to find summer. It’s a little bit like Alto’s Odyssey (published by the same publisher, Noodlecake Studios) mixed with a little bit of Reigns. The basic premise is that you’re in a vehicle, you’ve got a limited number of power-ups to overcome specific obstacles and a list of tasks to complete to move to the next area and unlock more zones. A cooperative mode exists where players take turns choosing items and you unlock additional functionality as you go through the game (I don’t want to spoil it too far). The four man team behind the game has put a lot of extra love into it, which is reflected in the beautiful pixel art and the subtle wit of the story. Unlike other endless runners, there is a steady…

ActRaiser was a super cool SNES game because it was a mix of city building and side-scrolling. With Sol Seraph, we finally have a spiritual successor to ActRaiser – just 29 years later (1993 saw ActRaiser 2, which many say wasn’t as good as the first). To sum the game up – you build a city and play a tower defense map to unlock side scrolling sections, which boost your character (Helios) and makes him stronger, eventually letting you take on a boss and fully liberating the area. Understanding How To Play the Game Sol Seraph is formulaic. Once you get into the pattern of the game, it becomes very easy to understand the basic flow. It goes like this: You unlock a zone by completing a side-scrolling map. Once unlocked, you are in tower defense mode. You you fight enemies to collect souls to unlock enemy arenas. Once you…