


So you’ve bought Battle of Azeroth and you’re ready to play but now what? The game gives you a few breadcrumbs to start your amazing journey in Azeroth. First, via the airship tutorial that takes only a moment to finish and is skippable, which we will go into details below. Next, there are several things to do to get you on your way to 120 as soon as you’re let go and we will go over those as well. The Tutorial – How to Skip the WoW Character Boost Tutorial You shouldn’t skip it because it gives you a good rundown of the character, but if it’s a character class you know how to play then by all means skip away. The tutorial will have you use a specific number of skills a specific number of times and then immediately take you to the Battle of Azeroth fight. You can…

Baptiste has a lot to set him apart from the other support heroes of Overwatch, and with a high learning curve, he can be a bit difficult to pick up. If you struggle at first, don’t feel bad. Baptiste is new to everyone, and we’re all learning. With that said, let’s go over the latest hero’s abilities and quirks, and discuss what you can do to give yourself a competitive edge. Baptiste Hero Overview Baptiste is a support hero unlike any other. His main weapon, the Biotic Launcher, is a three-round burst hitscan rifle (primary fire) that doubles as a healing grenade launcher (alternate fire). His three-round burst is most effective at short to medium range, while his healing grenades can be lobbed quite a distance away to help teammates in need. Baptiste’s first ability is Regenerative Burst, which immediately begins healing himself and nearby allies over a short time.…