


Overwatch has taken over the world of competitive shooters. With that in mind, we have a guide to make sure you always stay ahead of the pack. Overwatch was first released back in 2016. Crafted by none other than Blizzard Entertainment, the competitive online multiplayer shooter has garnered massive critical and financial success over the years. The hit title even has a vibrant and thriving professional league. Consequently, Overwatch players have been only growing and growing in both number and skill over the past three years. If you need some help staying on top in this competitive shooter, don’t fret. Check out this guide on how to properly use Junkrat, a top tier damage dealer, so that you stay on top in competitive. Overview Junkrat is one of many heroes available for play in Overwatch. Each character is parceled off to one of three categories, being damage, support or tank.…

One of the things that has always made the Metro video game series so interesting is its growing arsenal of fascinating weapons. From stealthy crossbows to rampaging machine guns, the franchise has always featured fun tools for players to use. Following the latest title within the series, things are certainly no different. Now we can delve deep into the weapons system of the recent Metro Exodus to see what kind of incredible arsenal fans can play with. Metro Exodus hit shelves back in Feb., now playable on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC. The game received largely positive critical reviews, ultimately earning an 83 Metacritic score on PC. Having reportedly had a strong first month of sales, Metro Exodus is tunneling its way into living rooms worldwide. A follow up to Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light, Metro Exodus is the latest in a trilogy of games that are…

Ah, yes: that classic moment in games when you have to make that first important decision for your character, affecting how you’re going to play the game from there. Decisions can be stressful if you’re not sure which way to go — we’ve all had that existential crisis choosing between two flavors of ice cream (what, you haven’t? No, you have, everyone has. Me having a personal crisis over ice cream is normal, okay?). In Bioware’s Anthem, the first important choice you have to make is which Javelin you will choose to play as. Don’t worry — you’ll be able to suit up and play as all the Javelins by the time you reach the end of the game. But once you choose your first one, you’re going to be locked into it for a fair bit of time as you progress, so you’ll want to make the choice that’s…

I have conquered the likes of Ganon and Bowser several times, defeated Nazi zombies, taken down Team Rocket, and thwarted many other villains over the years. But there is one antagonist in the video game world who cannot be defeated. He is a raccoon with nothing but pure evil in his heart and gold in his pockets, and his name is Tom Nook. I’ll never forget my first Animal Crossing experience. I was around six or seven years old and had no clue what I was doing. All I knew was that I needed to rack up bells to pay off my mortgage debt to Tom Nook. It took me days to figure out the best ways to save up, and finally, I did it. I paid off my mortgage! Then Tom asked if I wanted to upgrade my crib, and I couldn’t refuse. I thought I beat the game, but…

“I want to be the very best, like no one ever was.” A line every Pokemon fan is familiar with from the original show’s first song lyrics. In order to be the best, though, you need the most powerful Pokemon. As much as weaker Pokemon may be our favorites, sometimes they just don’t cut it. A constant recurring theme in Pokemon that it’s not how strong the Pokemon is, but how much their trainer cares about them, that wins a battle. As any Magikarp can attest, that’s not entirely true, but from a different perspective, it’s not entirely wrong either… Even the Pokemon most famous for being powerful can be outshined by weaker species of Pokemon by the way that they are raised. In that sense, putting more care into how you raise your Pokemon really does matter compared to just going by how strong a Pokemon inherently is. So…

Recently I heard of a story about Formula 1 Racing. There was some race between an accomplished F1 racer and an Esports racer on a real-life track. If I’m betting money on this race, I’m throwing it all on the tried and true driver, the one who has raced in the physical world. I would have lost all of my money. The Esports driver won, beating the actual driver with years of experience by 0.6 seconds – unbelievable. The training from his video game sim was so realistic; he was able to drive a real F1 car better than a serious competitor in the racing realm. How else can video games be used as training? This may sound like something from a sci-fi movie, but video games may be the key to the future. Think about how advanced video games have become. They may be able to help us in all sorts…