


The World Next Door is about a girl named Jun who goes to a portal that connects Earth with this other world and then she gets stuck with her kawaii alien friends who work to return her home before she perishes, as Humans can not survive on this other world. I found the game lacked balance between the start and the ending. The game starts off with a lot of energy and story that reminds me a lot of Night in the Woods or Oxenfree. It then quickly begins to turn into a monster of the week like crawl through what short bites of story you get and finally lands in a room temperature bowl of chicken noodle soup, lacking any satisfactory closure to the many plot threads that exist. The action combat is puzzle based but I found avoiding damage to be tedious and cumbersome so I just turned…

After releasing a teaser trailer just one day prior, Gearbox delivered a press conference at PAX East on Thursday that many Borderlands fans have been anticipating for quite some time. No, I’m not talking about Randy Pitchford’s demonstration of his magic skill. On top of the foreshadowed Borderlands 3, here are all of the announcements from Gearbox’s PAX East showcase. Pathologic 2 Gets a Release Date The strangely-named Pathologic 2, which is actually a remake of the 2005 cult classic Pathologic rather than a proper sequel, got a release date of May 23rd, 2019. The game is being published by tinyBuild of Hello Neighbor fame in cooperation with Gearbox and will be released in chapters through Steam. Risk of Rain 2 The sequel to Hopoo Games’ popular rogue-like takes the series from the 2nd dimension into the 3rd. A third-person co-op game being published by Gearbox, it’s a bit of…

Blizzard’s Heroes of the Storm is currently deep in its first season for 2019. For all you Deckard Cain players out there, here is a quick guide to keep you each in front of the pack this season. A billion dollar industry, MOBA games have taken over the gaming world. From SMITE to League of Legends, players have been banding together to dish it out in battle arenas for years. Blizzard Entertainment’s Heroes of the Storm is a prime example. Thriving with thousands and thousands of players, Heroes of the Storm offers a unique spin on the MOBA genre. Within the game, players can take control of some of the most memorable characters from Blizzard Entertainment’s several franchises. Heroes within the game hail from Overwatch, Diablo and several other franchises. One of the game’s most popular heroes at the moment is Deckard Cain. Native to the Diablo franchise, Deckard Cain…

Towards the end of this month, Yoshi’s Crafted World will be released worldwide for the Nintendo Switch. I’m not sure how, but I literally just heard about this game for the first time the other day. I saw gameplay footage on YouTube, and I have to say, this game looks pretty hype. Yoshi is one of my favorite Mario characters. He is a loyal, trusty pal and he deserves to have the spotlight on him now and then. In addition to being one of my favorite captains in Mario Baseball, Yoshi also happens to have some cool abilities that are fun to play around with and explore. Yoshi is an absolute speed demon, he can stay in the air for while with his jump, and his tongue and egg-making abilities make him a real threat to any enemy. He’s not one to mess around with. The last game I played that…

Honestly, I wouldn’t buy into it until you hear something official, but this image is making the rounds from LawBreakers, out of Peru. The image above shows the price followed by October 2019 in the bottom left corner. While, it’s possible this is fake in some capacity or it’s some gaming chain trying to ultra smart somehow, it’s an interesting reveal and would likely line up with what everyone would like… the Last of Us sequel coming sooner than later. Should you get your hopes up? Nah, but I would expect something to come out as this gets out there further across the Internet confirming maybe a quarter for the release – it’s soon, for sure. Probably 2019 according to this interview at least. The above trailer explains most of what we know so far. You can play as Ellie, so that’s a start and it’s a video game. The…