


So you’ve bought Battle of Azeroth and you’re ready to play but now what? The game gives you a few breadcrumbs to start your amazing journey in Azeroth. First, via the airship tutorial that takes only a moment to finish and is skippable, which we will go into details below. Next, there are several things to do to get you on your way to 120 as soon as you’re let go and we will go over those as well. The Tutorial – How to Skip the WoW Character Boost Tutorial You shouldn’t skip it because it gives you a good rundown of the character, but if it’s a character class you know how to play then by all means skip away. The tutorial will have you use a specific number of skills a specific number of times and then immediately take you to the Battle of Azeroth fight. You can…

The 22nd annual DICE Awards, held by the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences, just went down in Las Vegas. To perhaps few gamers’ surprise, Sony Santa Monica’s God of War completely stole the show. God of War won the highly praised Game of the Year award, while also managing to wrangle in a whopping nine awards from the total 23 categories. Speaking at the event, Meggan Scavio, president of the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences, offered a few words. “Tonight, at the 22nd Annual DICE Awards, the interactive entertainment industry gathered together from all over the world to celebrate their trailblazers – the very best in video games and the teams who – with their amazing talent and vision – have created boundary defying experiences that have captivated global audiences. On behalf of the Academy, I congratulate not only this year’s incredible nominees, but the esteemed winners chosen by…

Kingdom Hearts 3, released Jan. 29, has been snaring the attention of JRPG fans worldwide. For those playing the massive title, it’s time to step up your game. Released for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Kingdom Hearts 3 features the return of longtime protagonist Sora. In a battle of good vs. evil, Sora is once again tasked with gathering the power of the keyblade, as well as the strength of the game’s incredible supporting cast. Having sold over 5 million copies within the first week of release, the game has already accrued a mass of players. So, if you want to get in front of the pack, it’s time to up your game. One sure fire way to set yourself apart is to do what few accomplished. Find the ultima weapon. This may not be the most powerful weapon after a lot of DLC has come along, but it still…