


Take a moment out of your day to rewatch Pork and Beans. It’s such a good song to me because around 2009 / 2010 this was really rad and impressive. Today it’s sort of like, a time capsule of the era, where the Internet was still the wild west vs. what I feel is this dystopian future of toxicity across social media and memes popping up and dying within several claps of Pewdiepie’s hands. Just, wow, you’ve got Chocolate Rain, the Star Wars kid, numa numa and so much more. It was like the first YouTube Rewind before YouTube Rewind was a thing. It’s also a reminder that memes don’t age well. We’re always in our modern lives in a constant state of boredom and what solves that boredom today probably won’t in the future. Do you feel it has aged well? I feel both nostalgic because this was my…

If rumors are true then pretty soon we’ll have to start planning the funeral of the Microsoft Games division and the Xbox consoles. For a while now MS has been making some………. let’s just call them questionable decisions in terms of supporting Xbox and their exclusive games. For example, Xbox Play Anywhere has been an exciting combination of both sides of their business, using Xbox games to push their PC audience to buy through the Microsoft store but where they started tilting the scales too far was making Xbox exclusive games available on PC. When MS made Xbox exclusive games Play Anywhere they killed any interest the average gamer had in getting an Xbox, especially the One X. While it is true that the Xbox One X is graphically one of if not the best-looking home console on the market the more cost-effective option is just to get a decently…

Alright, do I seem a little obsessed with the Resident Evil 2 remake? Because I totally am. The recent DLC has only reignited my fire to 100% this game because not only does it add more quality fun content but its also very affordable with the low low price of completely free. I don’t want to make it seem like the only thing to praise about this DLC is the price tag, the quality is easily that of a paid add-on and I can’t express how awesome the developers are for doing this too but I’ll get to that later. The idea of the DLC is to give some “What if?” scenarios for the player to explore, giving a happier ending to some side characters that didn’t deserve the horrific fates they met. What’s even better is that while the advertisements promote only the three modes of the mayors daughter,…

It was just recently announced that a remake of The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening will be dropping in 2019. I have never played the original, but from what I saw in the trailer, this game looks beautiful. The sequel to A Link to the Past, Link’s Awakening deals with hero Link stranded on a strange island after washing ashore while out at sea. I am excited to cintinue this specific Link’s story and see what his destiny holds for him. After the success of releasing A Link Between Worlds (which was basically a remake itself), it seems like a no-brainer for Nintendo to release a remake of Link’s Awakening. Originally released for the Game Boy, this remake is a great fit for the Nintendo Switch system, which can be played as a console or in mobile form. The game looks absolutely stunning and I can’t wait to get my hands on it. The trailer for this game begins with a cartoon scene…

Video game publishing titan Ubisoft recently released their latest edition to the Far Cry series. Working off of the success of the companion system within Far Cry 5, the recently released Far Cry New Dawn features a series of compatible player companions. This time, however, there are two characters in particular that have each stolen the hearts of gamers everywhere. Far Cry New Dawn was released worldwide Feb. 15, 2019. Set in the fictional realm of Hope County, Montana, the game takes place 17 years after the occurrences of Far Cry 5 and acts as a direct sequel to the previously released title. Far Cry New Dawn features a gun-for-hire and fangs-for-hire system, offering players the ability to have an NPC tag along with them on their adventures. Each NPC companion offers different advantages on the field of combat when implemented by the player, leaving a few tactical options of…

Crowdfunding has become somewhat controversial as of late. For every story about a successful crowdfunding campaign, there seems to be a tale about a crowdfunding recipient running off with their spoils and leaving backers high and dry. That being said, crowdfunding may still be precisely what the gaming industry needs right now. Before we delve into the nitty gritty of crowdfunding, let’s look at another aspect of the gaming industry. AA developers are about to be in high demand. Within the world of gaming, the industry did away with the term “blockbuster” years ago in place of calling massive, highly funded, world-class games “AAA.” Still, the meaning is analogous to blockbuster. Some AAA developers include Bethesda, DICE and Infinity Ward. The issue with AAA gaming is that it has reached a level of success similar to film. A blockbuster film requires massive sums of funding to produce. Consequently, the films…

The recent hype around Obsidian Entertainment’s new The Outer Worlds title has drawn an interesting point. AA developers can still lure the attention of the video game industry’s exponentially growing video game audience. It’s a good thing too, because we need those developers now more than ever. First off, before breaking down why we need smaller developers, let’s dig into why The Outer Worlds is getting so much attention right now. Obsidian Entertainment includes members of the development team involved in the original Fallout franchise. Video game titan Bethesda purchased the rights to the franchise before producing Fallout 3, Fallout Shelter, Fallout 4 and Fallout 76. Obsidian was later contracted to make Fallout: New Vegas, however. Bethesda has been receiving some heat from fans as of late. Many hardcore fallout fans were seemingly underwhelmed by Fallout 4 following the critical success of Fallout 3. Beyond that, the release of Fallout…

Bethesda has been getting a bad wrap lately. And, it’s not just because of Fallout 76. A bevy of lawsuits, middling fan reception to their latest two releases and a seemingly big push towards mobile all have hardcore Bethesda fans scared. That being said, artistically, the company is doing just fine. Seriously, there’s no need to worry. Before we get into the nitty gritty details of what’s going on with Bethesda right now and the seemingly chaotic turmoil their PR is dealing with, let’s slow it down. Let’s break down what got Bethesda on most gamers’ radars. Bethesda Game Studios earned their place as the proverbial top dogs of RPG games back in the early 2000s. With the release of Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, later followed by the more commercially successful title Oblivion, Bethesda claimed their spot among the great developers for wide eyed, RPG playing video game fans around…

Bethesda recently issued a lawsuit against mobile Westworld game developer Behaviour Interactive. Bethesda has claimed that the developer has stolen coding, designs and artwork which have since allegedly been used within the Westworld game. Behaviour helped develop Bethesda’s incredibly popular mobile game Fallout Shelter, which released back in 2015. Within the recent lawsuit, Bethesda claimed that the development studio has stolen assets from the Fallout Shelter property and has allegedly appropriated them for the development team’s recent Westworld mobile game. Westworld owners Warner Bros. are being sued by Bethesda for inducement to breach of contract. Meanwhile, Behaviour is being sued for breach of contract. Both parties, however, are facing litigation for “their willful and intentional infringement of Bethesda’s copyrights, misappropriation of Bethesda’s trade secrets, and deceptive business practices and unfair competition through their development, marketing, and promotion of the Westworld mobile game.” Warner Bros. has since provided a statement, as reported by…